
Partnership for strengthening clinical trial capacity and building real world evidence in East and Central Africa - CEPI Call for Proposal

Le texte intégral de l' Appel à Proposition est disponible en français et en anglais. The Request for Proposal full text is available in French and English

CEPI's Calls for Proposals invite innovators worldwide to apply to their scientific programmes to advance the development and manufacture of vaccines, enable further scientific progress, and refine tools against epidemic and pandemic threats. Read more

Brighton Collaboration Membership Drive

Brighton Collaboration, which partners with CEPI on the SPEAC project, is a global network of experts dedicated to promoting and improving vaccine safety to increase public confidence in vaccines

Membership is free & open to those working to promote & improve vaccine safety. Members receive access to a discussion group for networking and problem-solving, updates from the vaccine safety field, & opportunities to review & inform new Brighton products Read more

ECOWAS-RegECs Project

Practical strengthening of regulatory and ethics oversight on clinical trials in West Africa using Lassa Fever vaccine development projects and increase regulatory maturity level in targeted countries

The project is about improving capabilities of Regulators & Ethics Experts in vaccines clinical research oversight and enhancing the Maturity Level of selected ECOWAS NRAs by focused support through FDA Ghana on regulatory systems and clinical trial functions Read more




Tackling Measles Through Prison Radio


UKHSA’s Health and Justice team have worked with National Prison Radio to raise awareness of measles and the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. Measles in Prisons Following the increase ...

Global Malaria Research

TGHN Malaria knowledge hub meet and greet session

by TGHN Malaria knowledge hub team

The Global Health Network recently hosted an online Meet & Greet event for the Malaria Knowledge Hub community. The aim of this first meeting was toenhance networking, knowledge sharing, and ...


Bridging a gap between community and the research institution via a youth advisory group on health and health research in rural Cambodia

by Mom Ean, Rupam Tripura, Phann Sothea, Uch Savoeun, Thomas J. Peto, Sam Bunthynn, James J. Callery, Ung Soviet, Lek Dysoley, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Bipin Adhikari

Engaging young people in health research has been promoted globally. In May 2021, the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), a global health research network partnered with a local ...